wow; time fly`s by.

Nov 13, 2005 17:06

thansgiving is 12 days away! holy crap.
well i have to catch up on things since i havent been on the computer in like a month!

+basketball season is over and im really sad :( our record:: 11-1
+i made cheerleading
+i dont kno what i was for halloween but some people called me tacky, so i guess thats what i was loll.

i went upnorth with katie to go to her aunts house. for halloween i went with marissa, stephanie, haley, tara, and like 20 other people. it was hectic. i went to a cmu game with my cousin chiara. my moms birthday was the other day. happy bday mom!! :)

katies cousins were in the haunted walk.

uhoh. her barette broke. lol;;

i thought #85's last name was pretty sweet.

family times are coming up :)/

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