Jan 21, 2009 14:49
I keep thinking I see Jesse Lopata places.
R.I.P., buddy. I'll not forget your classy ways and humble ferocity with a dagger.
My gerbil, Pestilence, died last Friday when I found out about Jesse. She's now with her white sister Pneumonia in the freezer until the ground thaws or I can make a stop motion film with them, whichever comes first.
So, I cleaned the tank and loaded it up with three hamsters. I've not had hamsters before now, and am surprised how docile they are compared to my tribal-Amazon gerbils.
Now, there is Tik-Tok Bjarni. Named after Tik-Tok from the Oz novels due to the way he struts his shit. He's giant, black, and looks kinda like a chinchilla with mutton chops on his ass.
Then there is Dormouse {Dormy}. He's a grey and white panda that won't seem to come out of a drunken stupor. He's so.. out of it.
And yesterday I got another one while closing. I left him in the break-room. He's Barnaby Badde, an active gold and white thing.
They're all damn. cute.
Also, my art is now on page 129 of The Dresden Dolls' 'Yes, Virginia' songbook. Take that, thoughts of hopelessness. I'm trying to make more space so I can take up my art again. It's really difficult to find that Feng Shui shit here.
(Also, a WTF moment. I thought Neil Gaiman wrote in his journal that Coraline was pronounced Cora-LEEN. Not Cora-LHYNE as the movie previews pronounce it. If that is how it's pronounced, why not just fucking keep it that way for the movie? Don't make Rasputina's dedication song a foo, bitches.
"Oh, Coraline.
These are the most hideous things I've ever seen.")