Just a short one this time.
God, I feel so stupid that I didn't know that the Tetris song is based on a Russian folk song! >.< But more importantly, why the hell does my brother know that?! To top it off, he played the song plus hard-style techno remixes for us at the dinner table! O_O I was flabbergasted, but somewhat delighted too - it's good to know that his taste in music hasn't yet died completely (that and being brain-dead are for me the only logical consquences of listening excessively to hip hop and rap)... [On a side note, I've never been happier to see him, because my Dad and I had started eating while Mom went to pick my bro up, and damn, those were among the ten most boring minutes of my life! Why are the only subjects he can talk about these days school and work?! D:]
I made it to level 95 in Tetris just before I posted this! Whoo! *throws confetti* But trust me, that's really rare; usually the game kicks my ass somewhere between levels 40 and 60... XD
Now... Must. Go. Find. Tetris. Song!
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Clio and Dante blew all of us away with their cuteness - sharing a chair, sleeping peacefully together. How much cuter can it get?! I took a couple of pics, and here's the one I liked the best:
Dad said he think's they really have bonded with each other, and I'd say that this pic (and the others) is proof of that, no? ;) None of us had the heart to remove them from the chair, btw... would you have had it? Or would you have succumbed to the cuteness as well?
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Well, that's all for now. I need a coffee as a reward for myself after racking my brains over both the title and summary for the wildfire fic... XD