A little series for whomever, if only for myself~

Jul 03, 2012 19:25

Okay, so after I come home after yet another incident of getting really angry at pretty much everything, yet nothing out of the ordinary, I've decided to start a little mini-series in this journal. I don't know if others have done this, and I don't care, and I'll be straight up-front about it: the only purpose this serves is to vent frustration and let off some steam.

Maybe some of you agree, or maybe you don't, but in any case, feel free to comment if you want.

Introducing... devotedtodreams' "Pet Peeves" series!

Yes, I will be writing about everything that pisses me off. No regular updates, just... whenever I feel like it. I have no list, so it's in no particular order and no defined quantity either. Let's get started, shall we?

Pet Peeve #1: "Hitler gets angry about [insert something here]" videos:

Okay, I've never understood why these are so common and why people find it funny. And there's a simple reason for that: I've seen the movie minus silly made-up subtitles and understand what is being said. And to be honest, this scene always makes me cringe in my chair - and if I'd have cat ears like the folks in Loveless, they'd be laid back as well. I cannot see these videos and blend out what is really being said. To me, it will always be this terrible rant of a man who's clearly a few fries short of a Happy Meal, to quote something I read in a Bushism book.

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       I couldn't laugh, even if I tried. He's talking about letting those who betrayed him drown in their own blood, for crying out loud!
I know that there is almost no subject that doesn't get joked about, but personally, I find these things rather tasteless. You're making it look like he's a really shallow goofball, and I'm sorry, but I just don't think it's appropriate. We're talking about Adolf Hitler here. To me, these things are a disgrace to a fantastic movie with magnificent acting from Bruno Ganz.

P.S: I'll carefully choose whether to make these things public, because as I quickly reflect on everything that gets into my face, I just know that some things might be deemed a really sensitive subject matter, and those are the ones that will be restricted for my LJ friends' eyes only.

pet peeves

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