Nov 18, 2007 21:10
My Boss informed me earlier today, and I have confirmed via google, that both current long serving leader of the Greens, Bob Brown and my favourite former prime minister, Paul Keating, are both gay. I don't mean wearing yellow cardigans gay, I mean long term partner gay.
I thought Paul was still with Anita. I thought Bob was unacceptable to the conservatives because he care for future generations. Now I know why Family First (fully funded and run by a massive American-style evangelist christian cult) has been attacking Greens and only Greens since day one. But ... nearly two decades ago, Australia had a gay prime minister. Shouldn't Canada give us a prize or something?
Keating made the lives we live today possible. He made Australia a major player in Australaisia/Oceania, rather than an irelevent colonial outpost. He pushed Australia toward multiculturalsim and made it strength, not a problem (Howard has spent 11 undoing that). The wonderfully prosperous system that the conservatives tell us only they can maintain was created by somone on the other side. And he was invincible in his prime. The nastiest wise old dogs in Canberra became little girls when opposing him. He held their futures in his hands, knowing he could destroy them at will with a well turned phrase. Power from the man, not just the office.
Yet had anyone had the slightest inkling that he preferred the penis, Australia would be a dramatically different place. More likely he be bashed to death than become a minister (80s, Australia, not unlike rest of world I guess). No one else could have created such massive change in a conservative democracy.
What is it with positions of power and gay, anyway? Something to do with fucking your fellow man I guess.
*edited to appear slightly less homophobic*