Nov 14, 2005 21:49
I wrote a weird sonnet about writers. and another poem. i dont know what to turn in for my C/n. I feel kinda odd writing so much poetry. I feel like i should write something more like a meditation. butm that time will come.
last night gave me a REASON, finally. a spark to the flame, and further fuel for the fire. it was, oddly, satisfying. the internal war has been fought, and the dark side emerged victorious, though in a pleasingly odd sense.
today was a day was a day was a day was a day for regret.
And to Meena:
I don't know if you will read this, but I wanted to say I completely empathize with you right now. We had a family cat who passed away after 19 years, and it was one of the most difficult things I have ever been through. Her name was Fumer, and she was my first friend. When i was little and cried, she would come over to me and lick the tears off my face. Its so hard to lose cats when they give such incredible unconditional love. They are not just cats, but a piece of your heart.
RIP Morris.
and peace, Meena.