Jun 21, 2003 04:29
Jen and Cheryl sleeping over. Jen bought BEER after her prom so am considerabl drunk. Feel ashamed and evil. harry Potter coming out in amatter of hours and I am updating my journal in a drunk/tipsy state. but its all ok... Draco wont die (heaven forbid), Hermione wont die, Ron won't die etc....t least we hope not.
Not sure if am ina state of tipsy drunkeness or tiredness. im not sleeping thats all I know. Jen came back about two so maid was asking questions. was a bit hell like.
Jen and Cheryl v.nice wish you could meet them (except Linds, who knows them both and will be looking at this post with unfond memories of margueritas)
lots of love
Dev, Maz, or just plain JC