Decided might be a good idea to do this, even though does not relate to me in any shape or form.
The Killer Meme The
Great and the Good stopped by
slowfox's LJ to pool their collective curiosity, and here's what they want to know about you:
Me, Myself, I
acemyth: What is your philosophy/motto in life? That there is no ultimate way through life, only to live it, and believe it.
cynthia_black: How did you choose your User Name, and what does it reveal of your character? Devora is a name that has always enchanted me- it means diviner and prophetess, and is one of the most original names I've ever come across. I added the bee because it was quite vute, but now thourougly regret it
aome: What did you want to be "when you grew up" when you were younger? If your current job/plans are different, why did you change? I wanted to be a writer when I was little. Now I want to either be a PR (realistically), or an actress ( in very dreamlike circumstances that I hate to imagine because I see myself being 68 with no family and miserable because none of my dreams came true. They changed because writing is a very difficult thing for me to do, and rarely comes naturally. I assumed, therefore, it wasn't my calling, and think I am proving myself right. (Linds, three words: blood chin eyes)
cycloethen: What was the worst nightmare you have ever had? The absolute worst I had was that I was persecuted for something and tortured to death. I'm pretty sure I felt that pain, or it was just a dreamstate. I don't know why I remembered that. The other was a recurring one after my grandma passed away, in which in every dream I had, someone close to me died. I was horribly traumatised and ten.
cedar85: Tell the story behind one or more of your scars (physical, not emotional). Appendix scar was er....appendicitis. The one on my chin was one where I tripped and didn't manage to catch myself and therefore split my chin. I remember thinking it was very funny until someone shouted "OH MY GOD SHE'S BLEEDING", then I burst into tears.
luminousmarble: What one thing would you like your great-great-grandchildren to know about you? What one thing would you NOT want them to know? I would want them to know that I was a bit... different, shall we say. I would not want them to know that I hate children
naath: How do you learn (things-for-exams)? Badly. I take notes and try to learn them. I fail to.
bopeepsheep: What was the cause of the worst physical pain you have ever been in? Appendicitis was quite bad. Period cramps. When I got my foot stuck in machinery in the gym wasn't particularily pleasant either.
til_midnight: Where do you live (a country is fine, just name a place)? Singapore-Singapore-Singapore. Is a law abiding hell that has banned chewing gum.
siriaeve: What is your biggest fear? Naturally bald people. Chickens. Pain. Death. Getting lost at sea.
Nostalgia Ain't What It Used to Be
amaterasu: What's the coolest thing you've ever done? (Not the best, or the most accomplished, or the most life-altering, just the coolest). Difficult that- it would have to be sailing an actual old fashioned ship on school trip, even though had miserable time. Trapezing. Water skying (fell off sky's and was literally dragged through water for a bout 100 meters). Skying. All of these sound interesting but really weren't. Except for skying. That was just fun.
shelaghc: If you could change one event from your own personal history, what would it be and how would you change it? In some ways, moving to Singapore. On the other hand, I love the friends I have here and wouldn't give them up for the world.
linaelyn: Describe the one thing have you learned in the course of your education, either inside school or outside of it, which you consider the most valuable? Strangely, some of the most valuble things I've learnt from myself. They're strange to explain, but I've always had an interest in the profound, so I know a lot about profoundness in life. Also, from Cheryl, how important it is to take people seriously, and not care about other people's opinions of you or others.
dancingrain: What memory would call up your personal Patronus spell? (in other words, what memory is your happiest or sweetest?): I love acting, so some v.recent plays would be the best. The last time I saw my mamie. A lot of time I spent with my god-daughter. Some times I've spent with my friends. My second kiss.
glissando: Describe the three best pairs of shoes that you've ever owned - favourites because of comfort, the way they look, the brand, any reason at all.
First- there was a pair of flip flops I bought in thailand after I got sick that were the comfiest pair of shoes that I have ever owned. They were very smooth and the thong thing was velvety.
Second- I used to own a ridiculously high pair of heels that didn't fit properly, but they were really fun to walk around in...but had to sit down loads cos they killed.
Third- All my other flip flops. Just really comfortable.
If I Ruled the World
eilanhp: If you could have been born and grown up somewhere else, where would that have been? Transylvania. I think it's a beautiful country and I want to visit it. The people are meant to be lovely too, and the food is amazing.
praetorianguard: What would you demand in exchange for giving up your personal freedoms and civil liberties? Nothing. There is nothing in this world great enough to make me give that sort of thing up. However, if I could have the power to resurect the dead, I would be pleased. But then I would die and it would be a bit bloody pointless.
wittywibbles: If there were no laws, which (former) crime would be the first you'd commit? Murder. I would also steal a guitar.
nightfalltwen: If you could do one thing or grant one wish for someone else, what would it be? I would grant some certain people the right to be happy for the rest of their lives. Failing that, I would wish to change my personality.
therealmarajade: If you could know anything about your future, what would it be? Nothing. I know I'd try to change it.
annamilton: Owing to a peculiar concatenation of events, you are the wealthiest person in the world, and the latter will end in 24 hours. Money being no object, and saving the world being impossible, what would you do during that last day? Buy a ridiculous amount of clothes, an apartment in London, a cottage in East England, buy a car, and lots of furniture for said houses.
laurelwood: If you could hunt down one childhood tormentor (whether it be bully, tattletale, mean teacher, or friend's mother who hated you for no good reason) and exact revenge upon them in some spectacular, prankish fashion without worry of consequences, who would you choose, and what would you do to him/her? Natalie Poix. She was a complete cow to me. On the other hand, she is now fat and has no friend, so I suppose justice is done.
robynwepsley: If I offered you a chance to have anything you wanted, the cost being someone you didn't know dies, would you accept? No.
beccafran: If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Ability to fly.
hailebop: If you could punch any one person from any point in history, who would you pick? Probably british royalty. They irritate me to know end.
silverymist: If you were given the opportunity to live another life, what kind of life would you like to have? I'd want to be famous, to see if it's as bad as they say it is. But for my own sake, I'd love to live a life where I can keep myself entertained and busy all at once.
slytherincess: If you could alter history in one specific place, where would it be, and why? I would probably have made sure that no one burnt the Cathare relics. Oh, right, and I would make sure that the world wars didn't take place.
tolarian: Assuming you (or a group of friends) conquer Earth, which section(s) of the planet would you personally desire, and why? ENGLAND. I love it it's gorgeous. Transylvania too, The Czech republic, Romania.
vanityfair: If you could, with no repercussions, subject anyone you wanted to one day of utter and complete torture, who would you choose, why would you choose them, and what would you do to them? Conversely, if you could give anyone you wanted (other than yourself) one day of perfect happiness, who/why/what would you choose? The latter, and it would be a chold with a fatal illness.
Media and Culture
slowfox: Hollywood called: they're filming your life story. Who do you cast as yourself? Christina Ricci
angelofthenorth: They want to make your life into a Cartoon. Which graphic artist do you want to draw it? Amy Brown
deralte: Your favourite Blackadder episode and why? The one where he accidentally kills the king, and the king;s ghost comes back to haunt him. Also, the one where he meets William Shakespeare is hillarious.
tybalt_quin: Movie adaptations of books - heinous, evil and always disappointing or perfectly acceptable? Heinous. Totally and completely heinous. The only decent one so far has been Lord of The Rings. But I never read the books so I really can't say.
primroseburrows: What one song brings up the strongest emotion (negative or positive) for you ? Hatred, passion, rage.
manubai: If you had the choice to live in any fictional world, as in transposed into a book, which one would it be? Please explain why. Probably Harry Potterverse. It is a world where I would find it almost impossible to get bored.
katrionaa: What is your favorite artwork (painting, sculpture, etching, whatever) and why? painting. Goth abstract is the most amazing work you have ever seen. If you see some, observe it very carefully, and you'll be completely immersed.
fharraige: Name twelve songs for the soundtrack of your life.
A ridiculous amount of Evanescence songs
One of two from Buffy musical
Type O negative
Etc...I'm not very good at choosing songs, I just love certain bands.
eurydice9: If you could have only five cds, which would they be? No burned cds count - only ones you physically purchase in a store/online.
Evanescence Origin
Evanescence Fallen
Rasputina (any)
Tori Amos (10000 miles...)
Type O negative (intrusion)
magoo42: Batman or Superman? BATMAN! (duhduhduhduhduh BATMAN duhduhduhduhduhduhduh)
ladyvorkosigan: What fictional character do you most identify with and why? Lenore. Morbid, sadistic, and strange. V.much my sort of person.
The Completely Hatstand Section
0100111: True or false: pineapple on pizza is wrong. True
wcspegasus: If you were a color, what would you be and why? Red. Passion.
soupytwist: If you could be an inanimate object, what would you be and why? A pillow. I would bring people comfort.
ladycrookshanks: Assuming reincarnation exists, who do you think you may have been in a past life? How would you like to come back in the next? Maybe one of Jack the Ripper victims. Which is not nice as they were all prostitutes. I have a feeling that I was burnt at the stake in a past life, or at least burned alive. I had no idea why.
ivan_k: If you were a weapon, what would you be and why? A sword. Classic, brutal, and dangerous.
risti: Do you wear orange? Why/Why not? No. I hate oranges. Refuse to look like one.
seren_himitsu: If you could ask your deity of choice one question and have it answered, what would you ask? Aradia- what is the deity's understanding of witchcraft.
moonrunner: True/False: Green buffalos come from Albania. (seriously, now.)
Fair Trades and Dilemmas
Probably true.
angua9: If remaining a virgin (or abstaining from sex) for the rest of your life would allow you to do real magic, would you do it? No.
drbear: How much money would it take for you to appear naked (full-frontal) for five seconds on national television? Lots of money. Anonymity.
piperx: Would you rather be
- a complete idiot with a charming personality
- intellectually brilliant but have no friends?
The former. Or, as Linds would say, I am a complete idiot with no friends anyway.
jiggery_pokery: You can start any business of your choice, whether for-profit or non-profit, regardless of whether this business exists practically in the world or not and whether there's an existing business model to make your chosen business work or not. Irrespective of what it is, it will start off moderately successfully and eventually become very successful. You will make a very satisfactory wage and your investors/sponsors will be very pleased with your work. What business would you start? Talent finding/ PR
sofie_elisabeth: Would you sacrifice an unknown portion of your life so that a loved one could live for one more year? Yes.
You can gack the meme questions, with all the prettifying code, from
here (so please include this line when pasting your answers into LJ, right to the end of the cut tag).
In other news, have discovered that was recommended on Niffler list on FA. Is quite nice, as story is easily the best I've ever done, and I have done far too much.