Jun 09, 2004 12:41
Height - 5' 9"
Weigh - 135
Hair - Medium/Long Brown
clothing - AE Boxers
drink - Water
tv - None
room - Office
lights - Off, its too hott for lights
Grades - As, Bs, Cs
eyes - Brown
mind - Sick and Twisted, but pure
shoes - Adio
[X]Have you...[X]
Taken a shower today - not yet i just woke up like a half hour ago
done your hair today- nope
got in a fight - not like a real one
gotten drunk - oh yes...
stoned - yeap
smoked - yea, but i hate cigarettes soo nasty
skinny dipped - yea
slept naked - plenty of times
ran around in the street naked - haha yea and i had to yell i am god
lit your self on fire - sure
kissed the same sex - nooo
kissed the opposite sex - yess
given received oral - have i
stolen from a friend - no way thats fuckin low
stolen from a store - yes
went to a concert - yea
cooked a hot pocket - no those things are soo gross
smoked a cigar - yeap
got suspended - no
got kicked out of a school -no
seen your mom/dad naked -not to my recollection
drove a car - yea
crashed a car - yea
hot wired a car - no
masturbated - plenty
download pornography - again plenty
seen a friend of the oppsite sex in the nude -yea
seen a friend of the same sex naked - i dont think so
flashed someone - mooned someone
mooned anyone - ha there it is
streaked - yea
had sex - yea
felt someones...u no -DEFFINATELY
kissed someones nipple - yes..
That was pretty fun! Wow im such a loser now that schools over. Yesterday I went over Erics and hung out, his sister pierced my cartilidge. It looks cool. Today I'm getting my hair cut, but not totally just a little trim. I have rehersal the rest of the week, blah. I have rehersal everyday from today until next friday, except this saturday