So I really don't do livejournal entries anymore.
I was asked by a certain someone not to talk about "her" and I respected it. the reasonwas that I should respect her because I loved her.
Well, at the time thats all I could talk about and my emotional drive was way down. Lost a lot of weight and recovering from some sick depression. Anywoot, I'v edecide to take matters into my own hand by saturday if nothing changes, then I'll speak my mind. Does not nessarly mean in my livejournal. My lust for life has just been er....Delayed? maybe or misplaced. but I shall learn to recover, people go through shite all the time. But trust me, if anyone knows the story of whats going on, there is always more shit I find out everyday that hurts more and more, but I've beeen being nice to this certain person who has well be rather selfish and lying to me and well her new bf, to bad he does not know, but I ain't talkin about this here yet, if things cross the line, people will know. trust me.
So, I went to beautiful BC and took in the fresh air of victoria. I'm thinkin of moving out there next summer or maybe in the near future, if I get my life together soon then I can make decisions as such. Right now though, My self-esteem is shot, so I got to work on that and hopefully life will get better. I've learned some great new things and found parts to myself I never knew were there. got back to nature, (so to-speak). I'm pretty much a country folk/ towny boy. So litereally,(see pictures) the sky was the limits. I've never seen such beauty in my life. I'm very lucky to have seen and got to do what we did and see Trev's and I's best childhood friends again. Josh and Jesse are really amazing neat guys and it was like being 6 all over again. It felt good to see some old friends from when we were kids.
I'm not answering any questions anymore about life or things and if you look down on me people, tough luck...frankly what I do is none of your business. So if you talk to me rudely, which some people have...don't expect much from me. Other people have been rather sustaining. The sorta I give them life advice they exchange with me,a debate of sorts. These really make you think and help alot. To bad little Anny in star wars never had a good talk with obi-wan..because if you jump to conclusions, well...probably most likely it won't work.
I've been listening to a lot of rap and getting back into music again. I have the time now.
anywoot as I write this down, I'm not that happy with things, but with alot I have a lot to look forward to, but shit seems to always circle around me. If anyone finds the right girl for me, send her this way. for the most part I'm done with women and getting back to moralities, and expand.
I'm looking forward to it.
Enjoy the pictures and leave a comment if you like.
the end..