hester prin

Apr 14, 2005 02:31

i already am pretty disgusted with my job, but i might not be going back. i keep telling myself i'm doing this for a mac, and that should motivate me enough, but today was so horrifying and embarassing that i'm considering moving into a hole and dying. (there will be curling up involved)

first off, i've been getting negative amounts of sleep. for those of you who were shocked that i work so much, i'm used to this schedule. by used to it, i mean i expect it, not i'm okay with it. they like to burn you out in this job, so you count quickly not because you want to do a good job, but because all you can think about is sleep. as eddie said to me today "why do you DO this to yourself?" (refering to my tendency to work doubles 3 days in a row) so next week no doubles and probably never again. i'm spent.

so i get to the a&p today, late, because i wanted coffee and clint wasn't even there, so i'm like SCORE, i can pretend i was here early instead of late because if you boss is late, then i can't be expected to show up on time. so i go do my counting thing and i count almost 3 isles, which is surprising alot for me, because usually i do two and maybe a little of one more. well clint's putting me in isles i don't usually do ie mexican and cookies, where i'm usually counting lightbulbs and haba (health and beauty aids) and stationary. i don't ever ever ever ever count food. they made me count frozen once and i threw such a fit because my hands bled. (not like they DON'T when i'm regular counting). anyway, the store does 2 recounts on each person and apparently mine were over 6% off, which i can rationalize was because a) the recounter b)the fact that i can't see the top shelf even with my stool and have to toss my arm up there to count it or c) tim didn't do my recounts and we count exactly the same and are usually w/in 5$ of one another. so if HE did it, i'm sure this wouldn't have happened.

anyway, i felt like a criminal. the worst parts of today were, a) the boys i started being friends with stopped talking to me as soon as my area's had to be all recounted. ie jason. which was sad, because we were paling around today, and it's like i only talk to the old people who work there so it's nice to talk to tim and jason and derrick because they're my age. of course now i'm sure they think i suck at life so whatever. and my boss didn't defend me. not only didn't he defend me, he proceeded to pull me asside and accuse me of blowing off the area. which i didn't. if anything i thought i was over-estimating and not underestimating.

so after 2 HOURS of what i'll call the salem witch trials of inventory, we finally got to leave and we pulled down the tags we use to count and i felt like i should pull a BILLION of them myself, but jason came over and took some from me and made some comment about me not keeping them neat, which was a joke, but then i was like 'oh neat, another thing i can't do right today' to myself.

then i went out to my car, and called my mom and criiiiied and criiiied about how much i suck, and how much i miss ben (my old manager) who could have talked his way out of me being thrown up on a spit and roasted over the a&p managers fire. clint def. tossed me to the wolves. ben might have tossed me to the wolves too, but he would have been right in there with me. some lady that i worked with hugged me. that was nice. i have no idea who she is.

anyway, i'm sure this makes little to no sense to anyone, but i had a bad day, and that's that. i've got tomorrow off, but friday is another grocery store and hopefully neil is running it so i can count stationary and light bulbs and haba.

on another note, i'm huge into the band mae right now. saw their cover art in circut city, when i went to buy the cure's trilogy (which best buy no longer carries) got young frankenstein and the princess bride on dvd w/ my gift cert from best buy. anyway, i'm going to buy mae tomorrow.
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