Challenge 110: Jane by Design, 4 recs, Jane Quimby/Billy Nutter

Mar 19, 2013 18:17

Originally posted by devon380black at Challenge 110: Jane by Design, 4 recs, Jane Quimby/Billy Nutter
Challenge 110: Cancelled Too Soon

Fandom Category: Jane by Design
Pairing: Jane Quimby/Billy Nutter
Fic Title: Her Personal Avenger
Author: TheLittleRipper
Rating/Warning(s): Fiction K+
Genre: Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Billy has always been there for Jane. This fic provides a backstory to their relationship.  Sweet and poignant.

Fandom Category: Jane by Design
Pairing: Jane Quimby/Billy Nutter
Fic Title: Peanut Billy and Jane
Author: RLBB
Rating/Warning(s): Fiction K+
Genre: Friendship
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: I know it says Friendship in the genre but I always have a feeling that this was a prelude of things to come if Jane and Billy's relationship was developed in the second season (if only it wasn't cancelled). The first part with Jane's father establishes Jane and Billy's special friendship. The second part is the best because it shows how Jane and Billy interact (unconsciously like a 'married' couple).

Fandom Category: Jane by Design
Pairing: Jane Quimby/Billy Nutter
Fic Title: Nice
Author: NeoNails
Rating/Warning(s): Fiction K+
Genre: Romance/Humor
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Perfectly AU ending for episode 10 (The End of the Line). Jane talks to Billy after his "It's you" declaration and realizes a few things.

Fandom Category: Jane by Design
Pairing: Jane Quimby/Billy Nutter
Fic Title: It's You
Author: Shelby21
Rating/Warning(s): Fiction T
Genre: Romance/Friendship
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: Lovely resolution to Jane and Billy's complicated relationship. Will they gamble with their friendship over non-platonic "I LOVE YOUs"?

s: jane by design, p: jane quimby and billy nutter, c: billy nutter, c: jane quimby, lj: het-reccers, f: my bookmarks

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