Medium: film
Fandom: Doom, The Last Jedi, The Chronicles of Riddick, Attack of the Clones
Characters: John Grimm, Samantha Grimm, Rey, Vaako, Jango Fett
Notes: 6 sig tag bases and 10 sig tags made for others. Font names and links are below the cut.
Rey (The Last Jedi)
John Grimm (Doom)
Samantha Grimm (Doom)
Vaako (The Chronicles of Riddick)
Jango Fett (Attack of the Clones)
John Grimm aka Reaper (Doom)
Icon table generated by
Chlor's Dreamwidth Icon Table Generator.
Explosion Bold + Caracas
VALORANT + a Autobus Omnibus
Explosion Bold + VALORANT
Explosion Bold + VALORANT
HorusN + Sephora
a Anterobot + AmazDooMLeft
AmazDooMLeft + HorusN
Mahaputra + OptimusPrincepsSemiBold
Chorizo Cartel + SF Distant Galaxy
a Anterobot + Mametosca 026
The fonts used are from dafont (x link).
Explosion Bold -
xCaracas -
xa Autobus Omnibus -
xHorusN -
xSephora -
xa Anterobot -
xAmazDooMLeft -
xMahaputra -
xOptimusPrincepsSemiBold -
xChorizo Cartel -
xSF Distant Galaxy -
xMametosca 026 -
x Yes, maybe I had a Karl Urban theme going on. I was thinking about his movies when I made the sig tag bases. I think I made this after/during moviefilmstills challenge 170: movies you can watch over and over.