Dear humanity

Nov 23, 2009 09:09

You suck.

You continually disappoint, upset, even enrage me, your humble monitor. Repeatedly your greed and apathy destroy the people and world around you, and yet you do not seem to care. The "ME ME ME ME ME MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE" attitude has devastated us and the home we have.

You group up in corporations to exploit and abuse others for your own comfort and greed. You eat to the point of gorging while others starve. You throw away more than most people eat. You abuse those you love, you neglect those who serve you.

Humanity, you are destroying yourself, and maybe you deserve it. There is nothing humane in humanity.... so much so that when someone does something nice, we reward them, but when people do shitty, horrible, inhumane things, we just shrug and expect it.

I'm talking to you, man who raped and murdered a five year old girl.
I'm talking to you, mother who sold said five year old girl to that man for sex.
I'm talking to you, CEO who fires workers to improve your bottom line.
I'm talking to you, hypocrites who thump the bible then go home and rape your children.
I'm talking to you, selfish pricks who do not seem to care about anyone around you.
I'm talking to you, world leaders who sit and do nothing while the world heats up.
I'm talking to you, apathetic fat man sitting in his mom's basement drawing disability because you simply don't want to work.
I'm talking to you, welfare mother spurting out babies for no other reason than more money for you, while your kids have no diapers, clothes, or food.
I'm talking to you, whiney emo kid saying you feel pain when you know nothing of real pain... go to Cambodia and see if your problems compare.
I'm talking to you, those who are not only ignorant, but PROUD of your ignorance... calling it your culture.
I'm talking to you, Kanye West... in general.
I'm talking to you, people who are willing to ignore horrid crimes simply because they don't involve you.

So, fuck you humanity.
I've tried to care about you. I'm done.
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