(no subject)

Jan 08, 2008 17:08

Hah. :)
I like being a fan of a rare pairing within a fandom.
It makes me feel cool. B)

Title: Puppet.
Fandom: Naruto.
Pairing: Kiba/Kankuro.
Rating: R
Warnings: Kind of  violent.
Summary: Kiba's Kankuro's puppet.

Kiba's pistoning back and forth wildly, his hips jerking back and forth with needy, angry tugs. His hand is deep set in Kankuro's hair, pulling it from the roots in tight fists, knuckles white and red with blood and lust. There's no love, no gentle kisses or fluttering feelings, just raw feral anger and resentment and a pulsing, blinding want. Kiba wants to destroy him, wants to absolutely rip him to pieces, prove how dominant he is. Leader of the pack.
He entered Kankuro dry, and felt the flesh protest, and try and reject his sudden invasion. Kiba continued regardless, feeling the snap of capillaries, the stretch of the dry skin, and the hot, wet blood.
He's growling now, snarling, scratching short fingernails across Kankuro's chest, pulling lines of bright pink and red across the pallor of the other boy's flesh. He's still bucking and thrusting furiously, humping back and forth rapidly in time with his own harsh breathing. He digs his nails deeper into Kankuro, taking pleasure in the pretty asymmetric patterns now coating the Sand Ninja's skin, blind with bloodlust and his canine urges which battle their way to the surface far too easily. Kiba's tongue is hanging out, ready, desperate for it. His teeth flash in the dimming light, a gleaming set of fangs set into a face so ferally twisted, that it's nearly impossible to tell he's a boy. The teeth descend and close around Kankuro's throat, canines sinking into the flesh, tasting the twitching heartbeat and the gushing blood running so rapidly around the Sand Ninja's veins.
He closes his eyes, and comes, howling, teeth tightening, then head ripping backwards, yanks Kankuro's windpipe straight out with a cracking noise.
He tastes sand.

In the corner, the Sand Ninja stands up, so casual, so normal, the chakra flowing easily from his fingers into the automaton that lies broken beneath a whining Kiba. Kiba is shaking slightly, curling into the surface of his bed, nursing his splintered fingernails with a keening voice.
"Satisfied?" Kankuro asks in a drawl, inspecting the damage to his puppet casually, running his fingers across the chassis of Karasu, searching for the tears from Kiba's teeth and nails.
"Fuck you..." Kiba murmurs, and he's not saying it to anyone except himself, Kankuro still can't resist answering.
"I think you just did. Pretty hard." He murmurs wryly, shaking his head. "And if that's all you needed, I'll be on my way." It's so casual that it makes Kiba want to die; that Kankuro's just watched Kiba tear his throat out with need, and yet he can still maintain his steady, confident drawl.
"Go on then." He snaps back, cradling his aching hands close to his chest. Kankuro smirks, and shakes his head.
"Until the next time, Kiba." He says the Leaf Ninja's voice in a low purr, that makes Kiba worried and fascinated all at once, but then he's gone, Karasu slung across his back.
And Kiba realises that it's not just Karasu that's under Kankuro's control.


A/N: Mahh. Sorry if my canon is messed up.

naruto, fanfic, kankuro/kiba, slash

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