What's this here? Looks like a brown leather handbag, approximately 8"x5"x2.5". Definitely a handbag, not a slingbag, totebag or satchel. Zip top and, huh, a little weathered, too. Dare you open it? You do dare? Brave of you. Perhaps also idiotic, but at least brave.
1 Charlie card, placed in a snap pocket which is Never Opened, to prevent me losing the card - a substantial risk, given past experience.
2 pens, in case 1 runs out (To boot, 1 is black and 1 is blue, in case I need a specific ink color.)
1 pencil, in case both pens run out
Lip balm, Burt's Bees original recipe
1 gold and tiger's eye bracelet, stuffed inside when I was running late and didn't have time to actually put on my jewelery.
1 edelweiss necklace, for the same reason as the bracelet
1 old Metro, thrown in a week ago so I'd have some puzzles to do when I next got on the train - then never removed, because I'm lazy
1 math worksheet, created for a student
Enough money to pay my phone bill. (I've paid in cash ever since an online payment went through 3 times.)
Extra money to grab a small snack or other miscellany, should something be needful.
A bunch of coins, which tinkle cheerily
1 emergency pad
2 hair elastics, different styles
1 hair clip, somewhat broken
1 cell phone, often lost because I forget that I've kept it in its rightful place.
Cold remedy, to conserve tissues.
Keys to 5 houses, none of which are my own.
Various rewards cards, stuffed in willy-nilly
Various coins, also stuffed in willy-nilly
Promotional materials for a movie about Deaf culture, a study at my clinic, a psychic and a play, stuffed in - you guessed it - willy-nilly.
1 price list for items in a computer game, so I can decide what combination things to sell & buy.
A lot of that is useless stuff, which seems kind of silly. In my defense (not that this is really a defense), I'm not a pack rat, I just forget to empty out my purse.