I Know It's Been Many Years

Mar 15, 2012 15:47

not gonna lie, now that all the pictures are in order this makes me tear up a little. my favourite part is how i mostly managed to disguise the face that chaser only has one eye with eyelashes right now XD the other one fell out and i can't find it! LOL
anyway, enjoy my procrastination photostory!


Garternay: mail call, one letter for you.
Chaser: hm?

Chaser: who's it from?
Garternay: just showed up in the post box. it's got your name on it and that's all i know.

Chaser: there's no addresses on it... not even mine. how did it get here?
Garternay: beats me, lady.

Garternay: i'm curious. let me know what it says, okay? i gotta go take care of these bills.

Chaser: this handwriting...

oh my god.

oh god...

this must be some kind of sick joke.

...my love...it's been five years...

...could it be true?

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