May 10, 2004 18:19
this un-entry is dedicated to my mums cat, i say my mums cause yeah...alright fucken, my cat.....i'm a soft cock, fuck you all.
R.I.P un- sn0wy - b0i, i guess you ran out of lives, ciao meow un gatt0s
love un-pingu-k0re.
he slept, he ate, and usually slept some more, then usually ran away when i tried to throw stuff at him for sitting on my couch sp0t, the slaRT.
then he usually slept and attack un-d0GZ k0re....wh0a, he was a damn fine scrubber pimp-daddy wh0 bitched multiple cat h0ez, fathered many, scratched many, scarred many, un-ponchoz with many and most of all, loved by many.
pimp some bitches in cat heaven for me slaRT.
~waddles off~
i don't really like animals...... but he was tuFFz.