Well I'm back at work for the first day, after the Flu/chest/ear infection/ randomly turning into Tizerhead due to a random allergy I never figured out...
I'll be glad to be back I've been doing my nut in pottering around all day with nothing to do but read and compare insurance quotes (best ive got was around £475 if memory serves)
A mate it making me concider going back into WoW for a casual poke around as he's made a Barnsley Guild and im curious to see a "Tarn Raid" (Guild is called Tarnish on Tarren Mill and is horde apparently) but I'll see just yet...
Went to flicks last night to catch a film but since the ladies won the toss we ended up sitting through "He's just not that into you"... despight the airhead sounding title and the fact that REFUSE to admit enjoying a "chick-flick" it was a kina heartwarming feel good kina movie... and GeeGee (or however you spell it... who the hell names their kid geegee anyway? im sure thats gotta be in the "Big Book O' Stripper Names") was absutely ADORABLE... the woman gave me diabetes via the big screen I swear...
Also it is impossible for one man to eat a large bag of Cineworld popcorn in one sitting... seriously I chomped and munched through the entire film (Quietly I might add) and still ended up with half a bag left... and Salted is SUPERIOR to Sweet!
Oh and have a look at the best picture ever taken of me... No wonder the cute girl at the popcorn stand gave me so much :P