i'm up, i'm at it.

Sep 02, 2002 05:46

saturday afternoon me and my cat went out to tugena13 + squelch84's place. the three of us, along with rebecca and kit from our rocky horror cast got ready for the rehersal at david's place that night. got out there and... well... rehearsed. it was fun. got to hang out with midnightmadness, which doesn't happen often. i would also like to believe that it went rather well, especially seeing as i'm basically jumping into the part with no foresight, even if my eyes are wide open. ah well.

getting that hat twirl down is a bitch, lemmetellya.

after rehersal a bunch of us went out to clark's... ran into cigfransidhe, which ended up seemingly uncomfortable. while i'm busy with the user codes, i saw sixtwentysix and christiana earlier in the night, which rocked my socks off because i haven't seen them since the meetup... weeha. oh the things we spoke of in the street. oh the things we saw in people's apartment windows [ some guy with a blow-up doll? uh, okay. ].

went back to the apartment after we paid at clark's. emily and i rehearsed some more... went through some scenes with the zoom up on that dvd, not to mention the frame-by-frame to get some shots of columbia's costume pieces. bleeeah! stopped over at vinzoid's place for a while.

sunday :

forceofnature got together with the rest of us and we went out to chris's parent's house and had our first "full" angelfuck practice. two original songs, two cover - mostly to get used to working with each other - it was fun. we rock balls. 'course, elizabeth didn't really know the lyrics to the two misfits songs we did... so she got to sing with me for those. weeeee. sure, ask the fiend in the band to teach it. wink wink nudge nudge or some junk.

finished up, dropped elizabeth back off at her place, went out to the taste of polonia; a.k.a. the polish carnival in chicago. the gravitron, the tornado and the tilt-a-whirl were all to be had in their white-trash carny glory. have you ever been on the gravitron to skynard? well i sure as fuck have. the attendant at the tornado was like "MISFITS RULE" to chris, since he was wearing the fiend club shirt. creepy guy, but we were trying to scream at him while we were in midair to tell him our band's name. bahaha. afterwards we went and visited tim and pat for a while to drop off a tape, went back to the apartment, sequined more of the columbia bustier we're making, bla bla, i gathered my stuff and left.

now i'm talking to mitch.

life's not bad.

back to the talking and the sequining.

and the hat twirling.

twirl, sequin, dance . . .
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