hey -- i saw that you deleted you LJ there for a bit. my internet time has been sporadic of late, so dunno if something happened and you LJ'd about it. in any case, i'm happy to know you're back and feeling better. happy spring.
are you saying that some of us (ahem) should post less than they do? ::grin:: do ya want a summary? comics, comics, comics, posted a fic!, comics, health crap, comics, lesbian theme anime!, comics... ::silly grin::
did i mention the bit where i got to lie half-naked in a tiny, very cold room as a woman pushed a transponder covered in KY jelly all over my chestal area? that was... sexy! not. ::chuckle::
but, oy, now I have so much reading upon which to catch. {heh}
Hey, now I know who that gal is in your icon.
(Syriana wuz better. Adriana Barraza wuz robbed.)
*i glance around suspiciously*
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