
Nov 14, 2007 22:46

Just got home from a concert, by god it was good!

The concert was called "Off The Wall" its a Pink Floyd cover band from England, and I think Susanna was a little disappointed, because she thought it might have been more of a play (there wasn't much information available on the concert, and since the tickets were bought for me as a gift, there wasn't much searching either.)

Anyways, the concert opened with a bit of a surprise when the first song wasn't a Pink Floyd song.....I listened, checked my catalogue in my head, and nope, definitely not Pink Floyd. Anyways, it took probably 30 seconds to click that this was a warm up band (I hadn't paid attention to the sign behind the band) It turned out the band - Ruh - was pretty damn good. Its a sorta modern rock style that is similar to say Shihad, but different in its own right. Given the tickets cost my in-laws (no I'm not married, so don't panic, just the easiest way to explain them) around 85 NZD a ticket, I was a bit concerned that the main act was gonna be a little short, but I was pleased to find out that the concert went for a further 2 hours and then some, with them finishing with my favourite song, Comfortably Numb. My ears hurt, my eyes are sore, but by fuck was it worth it!

Ruh's website - the websites mostly in English, Nyheter means news, Bilder means photos and the rest you can figure out on your own.

Off The Wall's Website

Photos are available on demand, and video is going to be uploaded to my Youtube account tomorrow, which can also be viewed through facebook for anyone who happens to use it.

And a free complimentary life update

Working with Skandia Transport, dealing with BMW's n such. It's alright, a bit sick of the job now, and really want something that I am trained to do, but its bringing in the moolah, so I'm not complaining too loudly.

The dogs getting bigger and funnier, he won 4th place in a dog contest about a month back, but we travelled to a town towards Stockholm last weekend, and after two perfect practice runs, he decided to emulate a bouncing ball in the real deal and therefore got nowhere, a little bit to my disappointment, but I love him anyways, until he fails again, and then he's out on his ass ;)
Photos of him can be seen at

Speaking of the hound, after getting home from Mjölby, he, out of complete randomness, decided to chew through my laptop cable, which of course I was using at the time (the laptop, not just the cable) somehow, he avoided electrocuting himself, and leave me in search of a new laptop power cable. He's never really done that before, bar one instance when he first arrived as a puppy, and I think when he saw my reaction (which wasn't to belt him one, but one of sadness) he really realised that he had done something wrong, and his punishment was to be banished from the living room until I said he could come back in. Normally he just goes outside, waits a while, and then just waltzes back in like nothing has happened, but this time, he really did go away and waited until I told him he could come back, I think he was sad that he had done something so bad.

I don't think he will do that again......hopefully....

Looking at going back to school next year, waiting on my eligibility to attend, but don't forsee any major problems. Gonna take swedish (although it is getting much better all the time) and a few culture papers, and then go back to University through distance learning and take my masters, and possibly doctorate in management. But we will see.

Oh yeah, Suss is good too :D

But I guess the most major news is.... *drumroll*

Over the past 7 weeks, I've proceeded to lose 13 kilo, down from 97 to 84. I'm playing football and cricket here next year (soccers a summer sport in Sweden due to the lovely warm winters). I think it will stay off, cos the diet is an absolute bitch, and there's no way in hell I want to do it again. I've lost my palate for Coke (and I think their profits will drop considerably now) as well as most fast foods, so it seems to be successful.

That'll do for now, gotta be up for work in under 7 hours, joy joy.
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