May 09, 2012 23:00
As many of you know, the contract that I have been working on at SAIC for the last 9+ years is ending next month and from what I have seen it does not look like they have any other contracts for me to move to that I am qualified for (mainly because it needs a security clearance or it is in another state). So in preperation for this I updated my resume and my profile just in case. I have been getting emails and calls from people but the jobs are not that interesting until today.
I had a phone interview with a woman from a company called DR Systems for a Support Position. She was very friendly and liked my answers to questions about how to handle irate customers and my troubleshooting skills. She wants me to check out their website and get a better feel for what they do and then call to setup a face to face interview if I am interested.
I did check it out and I am interested. :)
I am going to call her tomorrow to see about setting up a meeting sometime next week. As much as I have loved working for SAIC all these years, I think it is time for me to more on to something that will be more challenging and interesting.
Wish me luck. ;)