
Jun 27, 2009 00:55

I don't usually post here, but as this is my most public outlet for my mathematical work.  So here goes.

Today, I finally finished classifying all 1-connected 4-manifolds (up to diffeomorphism) which can be written as a biquotient G//H (this part has been done previously, I merely worked it out on my own).  Further, given that a space CAN be written as a biquotient, I classified all the possible different ways of writing as a biquotient (under the assumption that no simple factor H' of H acts transtiively on any simple factor G' of G, and that G is simply connected - according to Totaro, this can be assumed wlog) (This is part is the new part).

w00t.  Up next, dimension 5, then 6, then 7, then....a Ph. D.?

Summary of results:

S^4, CP^2, S^2 x S^2, CP^2 # CP^2 and CP^2 #-CP^2  all arise as biquotients.  Any 4 manifold which can be written as a biquotient is diffeomorphic to one of these 5.  Note that only S^4, CP^2, and S^2 x S^2 are homogeneous.

In the case of S^4, all possible choices of G and H look like the following:  H is a product H_1 x SU(2) where each factor acts on precisely one side of G.  G/H_1 = S^7 and the fibration SU(2) -> G/H_1 -> G/H_1 x H_2 is the usual hopf fibration.  There are a total of 5 different ways of writing S^4.  One is homogenous.

In the case of CP^2, there are 3 ways.  One is homogenous.

In the case of S^2 x S^2, there are an infinite family of actions S^3 x S^3/ S^1 x S^1 which give this.  Intuitively, one S^1 factor acts as the hopf map on one S^3 factor and trivial on the other.  Then the other S^1 can be considered acting on S^3 x S^2.  It acts as the usual hopf on S^3 and by rotating the S^2 an EVEN number of times.  Note that this is a homogeneous action iff it rotates 0 times.

In the case of CP^2 # -CP^2, there are an infinite family of actions S^3 x S^3/ S^1 x S^1 which give this.  Intuitive, one S^1 factor acts as the hopf map on one S^3 factor and trivial on the other.  Then the other S^1 can be considered acting on S^3 x S^2.  It acts as the usual hopf on S^3 and by rotating the S^2 an ODD number of times.  (This is less surprising once you know the fact that CP^2 # - CP^2 is the unique nontrivial S^2 bundle over S^2)

Finally, in the case of CP^2 # CP^2, there is a unique action of S^1 x S^1 on S^3 x S^3.

PS - none of this has been checked by my advisor yet, so it could all end up false in the end ;-).  Further, there is one detail in the S^2xS^2/CP^2 # +- CP^2 case I'm confident is true, but I have yet to work it out.

And for those who care (if anyone even glances at this), I've classified all the possible actions in the 5 d case.  Here's what's known:

Every 1-connected 5 manifold which can be written as a biquotient is diffeomorphic to either S^5, the wu manifold SU(3)/SO(3), S^2 x S^3, or the unique nontrivial S^3 bundle over S^2.  All 4 of these actually arise (the fact that these are all of them comes from the classification of 1-connected 5manifolds by smale and barden.  The fact that all 4 arise is simply that the first 3 arise as homogeneous spaces and Pavlov showed the final space, which is NOT homogeneous, arises as well).

I have proven that all biquotient actions (same restrictions as above) are homogenous in the case of S^5 and SU(3)/SO(3).

I'm currently stuck:  there are (countably) infintiely many nonequivalent actions of S^1 on S^3 x S^3 (the only groups I have left to consider).

It is know that all homogenous actions (which are a subclass of the actions i'm studying) only give rise to S^2 x S^3.

THe problem is simple: S^2 x S^3 and the unique nontrivial S^3 bundle over S^2 have hte same cohomology ring structures and can be distinguished by their second stieffel whitney class which is trivial for S^3 x S^2, and nontrivial for the other space.

I'm currently stuck trying to read a paper of Borel which shows how to crunch out stieffel whitney classes of homogeneous spaces as well as another paper by Singhoff extended this to biquotients.
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