This card was drawn by Lisa Hunt for the Celtic Dragon Tarot. 5 of Wands is traditonally a card of conflict and competition, which seems very appropriate to the issue I'm having today (and when am I NOT having an issue, you ask ? Shhh !) with people who want to denigrate others who don't think just like them, which is always a sure-fire way to start a meaningless argument- trust me, I'm an expert on starting those, so I would know.
I'm following a particular thread with great interest this morning. It seems that a follower of a tradition that doesn't believe you can know the gods called someone "immature" because in her tradition, you can indeed know your gods personally. Nice. I'm not big on someone from another belief system telling others how to interact with their own gods, or judging how they do so by the standards of a different tradition. I'm especially amused by how the person with the superior attitude feels qualified to judge a tradition they've never been a part of, after having just posted a long-ass tirade on how people often don't know the historical and cultural context of gods they appropriate and shouldn't act like experts on them.
My feeling on having rituals for gods I'll never know and vice versa is that I might as well go to church instead, because it's the same to me in terms of mindlessly going through the motions with no actual connection to spirit. Why pay any attention to them at all, then ? It's not like they're going to notice either way, if you don't think they ever get personal.
And now, for something completely different... I had a request from a non-LJ friend to make my journal public again, so I've removed some content that wasn't meant for just any lookie-loo and reset the privacy level. Although my earlier posts seem boring and lifeless now that they've been santized, I assure you that I'm still the same argumentative, big-mouthed chaos agent as before, so don't lose hope of seeing me hang myself again with yet another of my many ropes ; )