I was thinking this morning of how completely stupid people can be, well mainly the ones that keep telling me to commit suicide. That comment only offended me once, and it could only offend me once. I mean the first time it was said by cody, and it was offensive becuase he had been there with me when i had wanted to do that and he had helped me through that tough time. However only the first time he said it stung becuase I hadn't expected it, well...now i expect it so it can never be taken to offense again....
and then to those of you who can't be more original than to tell me to kill myself, you all are completely ignorant and obviously dont know me.
- as before mentioned...that comment could only hurt me once and that was only by cody
- the ways you tell me to kill myself really wouldnt pertain themselves to me.
1. I'm highly opposed to the usage of guns and have only shot one once and it was a pellet gun i think? i dont even know....i was even hesitent about that one
2. I could never O.D. becuase I refuse to swallow pills anymore, i much rather be sick than to take any sort of pills.
3. I wouldn't slit my wrists because i already went through all that, and come on guys, its not gonna work....and all it gets you is attention.....not death....
4. and overall i'm afraid of death beacuse if anyone here knows me that well......i hate not knowing what could have happend in every situation....so i look at it from every angle i can imagine...and since i dont know the outcome...i have to wait and see....so therefore death is not an option...
so you guys....its old...its stupid...and makes no relevance in my life whatsoever to tell me to kill myself...i could care less b/c its not like its going to drive me to do it...how ignorant can you all get??