man ive been reading over my recent posts and replies for stuff and i think i have to apologiez to the world or well to those of you who have been curtious enough to come check me out from time to time. i dont know why but i swear it feels like ive got some sort of anger in me and an undying need to rant. i really dont know why i would have to say that in the past year or so ive been so lucky that i dont know why i bitch. i mean aside from havign the occational bout with joblessness (i had you joblessness..and your multitude of s's) but yeh i want to say sorry. ive been a dick. im actually really comfortable with my situation and it seems to be getting better all the time.
it seems like im finally going to rejoin the driving community. this weekend im going to go check out what seems to be my wet dream come true. i found a 1984 oldsmobile regency
thats right, i like giant american cars, small american girls, and rockin american indy bands. is there anything else this countries good for? i doubt it.