I found a new life ..

Sep 07, 2009 14:56

And I'm actually happy about it...

It’s been an interesting couple of weeks...
I can't say it's all been great but I can say that I've learn the meaning of many things...
Like trust, love, understanding, compassion and most important forgiveness.

Now I feel like I'm evolving into someone different, a better version of me.

I'm currently at work - I know where else would I be - and I feel as if I am trying to peal a layer of old skin. I'm changing my views in life and how I take care of my self...

I've stopped my grandmother from cooking for me (I know ... ) and I'm making my own meals without her help, I've been in enamored with my granny's cooking for all of my life .. because to me it represented love in its purest forms. Now her love, like some that I’ve had in my life, has been overpowering and manipulative, to the point that I just don't want that in my life. It feels almost empowering to be cooking for myself and finding new recepies... I feel all domestic and shit :-D

ahh I'm tired .. long day at work .. I should have taken it off but I like making money, because this is going directly into paying for my new car.. .yes I have a new car a Mazda 3 2010 ... and boy!!!! Does it feel good ... just need to tint it and I should be set for my big move...

Yes ladies and gents I'm moving to California ... within the next couple of months, I started saving and will start looking for jobs in that region ... setting up interviews and seeing if I can get hired before I move there ... I've always wanted to move to Cali .. every since I was in elementary school .. I've dreamt about it, I've researched about it, and now I have an even bigger reason to move there ...
My love, Meghan...
I can't wait to start a family with her ... She's the air I breathe..

alright .. that was a quick update ...

later kids!

--- end of transmission ---
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