(no subject)

Apr 12, 2005 09:41

Well...X_x consumer ec can kiss my ass

kbut this weekend rawked...Mike and I got to go to Nikki's house and as we went in her mom was like 'Welcome to the concentration camp, I'm warden Petersen.' hahahahah it was funnie. Aw I miss you guys tons and tons! And then on Saturday Nikki's dad took me and her to see Sin City which was totally awesome. Ahuh. And then Nestor came over later that day and we did stuff. Then Sunday I was lying on my balcony and I got sunburned. Damn sun. I now look like a lobster.

Yesterday I went to Anni's house after school and we had a water fight with water guns and her little brother and I was like whipping him with this wet washcloth. It was hillarious, but like uber cold. Oh well, it was worth it. HAHAHAH Alex said he saw me when he was driving by. I feel like a looser. Then we put big red circles on our cheeks and did all this fancy makeup to make us look like dollies and we put on the Dresden Dolls and were dancing all over the place. Ha. I rawk.

Really tired cause I talked to Mike on the phone til like 10:30 then waited til 11 to call Nestor, only to hear him say 'I'm tired, I'll call you tomorrow.' Gr... I could've had another half an hour of sleep. Oh well.

Kbut I can't wait until me, Mr. Manson, David, and Kristin go to 6FGA! woo! I am soooo excited. Nikki best be able to get a season pass this year or I'm gunna cry. Ahuh.

K I must go...much love.

x x x
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