Jun 04, 2011 18:34
These are just according to my Family and I.
1: Thou shalt not leave until the house lights come up.
2: Thou shall remain standing throughout the entire show, but thou is allowed to take breaks if thou doth become tired.
3: Thou shall sing along, especially when those performing request the crowd to sing with them.
4: Thou shall dress appropriately and not like a harlot.
5: Thou shall not throw things, nor do anything else that may make thee look like an ass.
6: Thou shall honor thy performers by listening to their music on thy way to and on thy way from.
7: Thou shalt not dishonor thy performers by wearing a t shirt of another performer.
8: Thou shall arrive in time for all the performances, whither thou cares for the opening bands or not.
9: Thou shall only take bathroom breaks between sets and not take forever, especially if thou art a woman.
10: Thou shalt enjoy thy self and have a good time.