Oct 19, 2004 14:38
Did you ever realize we're all made of star dust? The material that created the earth, moon, sun and companion planets comes from the same base material that was created from the big bang. It has simply mutated and evolved over the unfathomable (there's a fun word) amounts of time that is creation. Like wise, the same matter that made the Earth is the same base componets that made man and his fuzzy twice removed second cousins. We were stars, we were Black Hole sized gas clouds of two million colors. And it all boiled down, pressurized and changed to fleshy pink, golden tan and chocolate brown. It gained sentenace and asked why?
Did you know we never actually touch anyting? On the atomic level the electrons build up charge so we never really come into contack with anything we touch. All the sensations we hold of texture and taste are fabrications of your mind. We are isolated inviduals looking for an intimte affection we can never truly achieve.
Well hell I could go on for hours and but my class is about to start. But think about it, really think about it. If you don't come out questioning even more then you haven't grasp it.
My new favorite quote is, "The universe isn't queerer then we think, it's queerer then we can think." I like it because it reminds me that I'm never going to get it. I could get a doctrate in Quantum Physics, win twelve nobel prizes and see the Earth rise from the moons surface and still not understande a fraction of what life was about. But it's okay, 'cause the universe is gay so it really doesn't matter anyway.
The totally bizzare Shini.