I would rather DIE than see Obama as fucking president. Honest to God, it has nothing to do with his heritage.
I'm fucking serious.
Keep fucking Obama out of the White House.
How do I choose between two people I can’t stand? Vice presidential candidates I don’t understand. Sure, Sarah Palin is cute, and I think she’s got a lot of potential, but I truly do feel like she’s not quite groomed yet. Not prime. But come on, she has more experience in politics than fucking Obama does.
Barack Obama scares the hell out of me.
This economy thing…. *sigh* I’m just going to bullet point. There’s too much to say to try to make paragraphs out of it?
· The Economy: You want to know what’s wrong with the economy? It’s not because Bush is a bad president. I’m seriously sick of hearing that. Sure, current administration does get some blame, because… well they are the current administration. It just happens. I can tell you what’s wrong with the housing and credit industries, but can you take it? Really? Two words: Bill Clinton. Oh my God, I know! How dare I say anything bad about the great President of the United States Bill Clinton? (Never mind the fact that he blew off the WTC attack 1, the USS Cole bombing, AND dropped a handful of bombs on Iraq, surprisingly enough when his lover went up to do grand jury testimony about him lying under oath. Which---he did. Please don’t forget that. Try to contain your shock. I know.) In 1999, Fannie May (yes, the Fannie May you’ve heard so much about) eased credit requirements on home mortgages under the pressure of the Clinton administration. Yes. 1999. That’s when this started. So why was BC (AKA President BJ in the Oval Office) pressuring the largest underwriting firm in the nation to do this? I’ll tell you. Because low income families credit ratings & savings weren’t good enough to qualify for “conventional” loans. This was known as the Equal Housing Act (or something similar) and basically allowed for low income families and minorities to afford up to $240,000 homes under what were called balloon mortgages where they basically didn’t pay for the houses for a bit and then oopsy, never paid.
· Basically, the Clinton administration forced these large companies to lend money to people who were trying to get into houses that they couldn’t afford. Frannie May WARNED the administration at the time that they were going to screw them all in about ten years.
· And guess what? Can you say foreclosures have WRECKED this market? I can. And I can say it loudly. And where do you THINK they came from? Yeah.. there you are.
· Barack Obama scares the living fuck out of me. I can’t say it enough. He seriously gives me the creeps every time I see him. You all know what socialism is right? Oh, you don’t? Google it. Scare yourself. The source of his WHOLE economic policy is to tax the rich and give to the poor? Sound like a modern day Robin Hood to you? Well, get that fairy tale bullshit out of your head. Stalin was a modern day Robin Hood and pretty soon, his own little world collapsed in on him. Read Animal Farm by George Orwell, it’s a complete study on how corrupt and greedy socialism becomes after a while. Yes, people in capitalistic societies are greedy, I’m not saying we aren’t, but the fact is we control the markets. The kind of socialism that Barack Obama is the entire idea behind Castro’s Cuba. (Yeah, I said Cuba. You know… those people that float on toilet seats in the hopes of getting to THIS country?) Socialism at its core is actually a pretty general idea of everyone sharing equally in their wealth and the nationalization of pretty much everything. Wealthy Cubans who were living in great big houses on the hills (AKA cocaine dealers, just as a sidebar) were ordered to move out of their homes and poor Cubans moved in. *blink/blink* What? Picture this-you work your ASS off your entire life. You busted your ass at Motherhood Maternity, paid your dues at Hertz, took everyones shit at Wal-Mart, worked yourself tooth and nail to get through school, or held your breath that someone would take a chance on you to let you prove yourself in a business that usually wants to know where your degree is. You go through all that, you get your ass together, you boost yourself up the corporate ladder, putting every nickel and dime extra you have, and finally---FINALLY---you can afford that dream house. So you buy it. Then… the government tells you to get the fuck out. And some woman moves in who has seven kids, seven welfare checks, and don’t know who her baby’s daddies are. This is my problem with the welfare system as a whole. I do all the fucking work and some idiot who can’t keep her legs closed or bust into the planned parenthood for some fucking condoms gets all the benefits. It’s bullshit.
· Louis Farrakhan has declared Obama the “Messiah”. Really? Let’s get down with a quick Bible study shall we?
o The Anti Christ is a Uniter. He is a man of many allegiances. He is the black sheep. He is deeply inspiring and popular. He floats on the desperation of the masses. He is the great deceiver. He demands difference. He seeks power, and will sell his soul to get there.
· Did you know that Sarah Pailin has been involved in politics for longer that Barack? Yet she is too green to be vice-president (and in most people’s opinions president, should John McCain die while in office)
· A political power who focus’ on global unity.
o “In this new world, such dangerous currents have swept along faster than our efforts to contain them,” Obama said. “That is why we cannot afford to be divided. No one nation, no matter how large or powerful, can defeat such challenges alone.”
· False Religion :
http://www.barackobamaantichrist.blogspo t.com/
· This is NOT the only reason I hate him. He just scares the everliving hell out of me. Besides that I don’t really know what he’s saying. I don’t know what he’s promising me. Change? Does that include a “666” on my forehead or a barcode in my arm, cause seriously? I’m cool, Barack. I don’t need that.
· The way people just follow him blindly…it bothers me. Hollywood stars who resort to calling Sarah Palin “stupid” (ahemMattDamonahem). Just tell me why? Nationalized health care? That’s a horrible idea. How about we STOP giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants and start taking care of our own people?
STFU. No went don’t. Not when our fucking economy is taking. And guess what. We HAVE nationalized health care. It’s called PUBLIC HOSPITALS. There’s one in every town. A public will go through your insurance and if they don’t, you choose not too, or you don’t have it, there are appeals processes you can go through. If you’ve sustained medical attention w/o insurance, you can apply for bono health care. It’s there.
And frankly it’s not my responsibility to pay for YOU because you snorted too much coke, got knocked up, or even fell down the stairs.
I don't usually get this involved in politics but please, if you know what's best for our country right now, do not vote Barak Obama. Don't vote, if you have to, but don't vote for him. I would rather move to Canada than have to deal with him as a fucking president.