Japanese Copyright Laws are no joke!

Oct 08, 2014 22:46

Ok. Sorry girls, among all the Happy Hawaii Party news I'm here to bring some... somber news today.

You might have heard of it being posted on other communities already, but if you have not, then let me tell you what happened. Someone in Japan has been arrested for uploading videos on overseas streaming sites (by overseas, I mean outside of Japan). Well I'm not 100% sure which account that person was using and on which site (heard it's Banimotion on dailymotion but I do not know for sure), but this is yet another reminder that what we are doing is yes, freaking illegal and we'd better be careful otherwise we could get into real, concrete, *pinch yourself* no not dreaming trouble.

I believe all of you are good, loyal minions who won't get us into trouble, but do help to spread the word. Keep the fandom safe. Because if one goes down, we all go down together. If there's no raws, there won't be any subs. No videos, no Arashi. Then you can either hope your cable company carries those Japanese channels, or you'll have to... migrate to Japan to watch their shows... you get my point. Yeah just... spread the word ok? There's a good reason why we (and other communities) don't allow streaming of our videos.

Anyway, you can watch the news clip on youtube here.

But since the entire video is well, a Japanese news clip, with no subtitles whatsoever... I'll translate what the guy said here. (Well actually, I cheat. There's the Japanese transcript in the video description... XD )

The man who has been arrested for uploading television programs on the Internet without permission seems to have uploaded at least 2,600 videos.
Fujimura Hideaki from Yamaguchi Prefecture (age 52) has been arrested on the grounds of violating the Copyright Law of Japan. He is suspected of uploading a total of 8 programs, including dramas from Fuji Television, without permission on overseas sites, and allowing free access to the videos.
The cyber patrol of Fukushima Prefecture's police headquarters discovered it during their cyber crimes surveillance.
The relevant authorities said that from the analysis of the seized computer, Fujimura is suspected of uploading at least 2,600 videos using various login names.
The police has sent Fujimura to the prosecutor this afternoon, and will be conducting investigations into his other offenses.

Here is the original Japanese transcript in case the youtube video ever gets... deleted or something.


Woots that was one tough cookie to translate! Pardon me if there are any mistakes. It's good practice though. Hopefully I'll be translating some happy stuff next!

Notes on translation: As you can see, I have rearranged quite a bit of the sentences, and broken up some sentences into a few so that I don't have to make myself insane trying to work out the subject verb agreement and stuff.

Some vocab:
無断 (むだん, mudan) - Without permission; without notice.
You hear that a lot in the video. You probable can guess what it means even without reading my translations right?
掲載 (けいさい, keisai) - Noun 1. Publication (e.g. article in paper); appearance; insertion.
Suru verb 2. To insert (e.g. an article); to run (e.g. in a newspaper); to carry (e.g. an article); to post (e.g. on the web).
Well in this case though, they clearly mean uploading the video to a streaming site, so I translated it as upload rather then publish, or whatever other dictionary definition jisho.org has given me.
逮捕 (たいほ , taiho) - Arrest; apprehension; capture.
This one is easy. You hear it all the time... don't you? Eh? You don't? It's just me? Oh okays... *sulks in a corner*
容疑者 (ようぎしゃ, yougisha) - Suspect (person)
Another easy one. At least for me. 容疑 means suspect, as in, suspicion, charge. 者 (しゃ, sha) means person. So you see other types of "者" around. Like 被害者 (ひがいしゃ, higaisha), which means victim; injured party; sufferer. Or 作者 (さくしゃ, sakusha) which means author; authoress; writer; composer; artist.
警察 (けいさつ, keisatsu) - Police
Another very simple one! If you have watched say, kagi heya, or mikeneko, or nazodi, or lucky 7, or platina data.... you would have heard this word multiple times.

translations, !modpost

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