Jul 12, 2006 15:42
I'm reading See No Evil by Robert Baer - a former CIA agent in the Middle East.
I started last summer but havent had a chance to finish it since I'm reading 10 books at once and I simply cannot put this one down either. I just learned a little too much about terrorists in the Middle East and I am completely fascinated by the way they work and all this stuff on Arafat and his partaking in the Muslim Brotherhood (I dont think I knew that or I just forget easily) and his partaking in all these plane hijackings and bombings of embassies as well as having ties to the Iranian Revolution and being quite friendly with Ayatollah Khomeini.
Also, one of the CIA agents that Baer worked with in Lebanon had his fate decided when he made his presence on the Pam Am 103 flight that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. That struck a little cord in me because of my school and we're taught a lot about this flight since about 23 Syracuse students were on it coming back from studying abroad in London so every year we have 23 Rememberance scholars to 'remember' these students and its a week or month long thing with ribbons all over campus and my Liz was one of the sholars.. so reading that this other agent was also on this flight was pretty crazy and how Baer felt so frustrated since at this point he was transfered out of the Middle East offices to Paris and he couldn't investigate the perpetrators of it.
Apparently it says that the Pan-AM explosion was pay-back and revenge for an Iranian plane that was taken down accidently by the US military. But.. I thought that Libya's Qadaffi was responsible for the Pam-Am flight? I'm kinda confused now.