Sep 11, 2008 08:58
I'm already up, and it's not even 9 am yet. This is, a first in a long while. I'm happy about it. Although the reason why I'm up isn't as amusing.
I slept around 4:30 am, (isn't exactly the before 12 MN I'm aiming for buuuut, I'm working on it) when ZERO decided to restart on me. >_> I was busy reading about The Series of Unfortunate Events and didn't notice the Windows Update warning.
7:30 my alarm went off and I found myself waking up to hard rain. I thought, "Maa. Rain, why are you cockblocking my plans so much." I've been meaning to go to Cargin's since yesterday but it's also been raining since. I decided to go back to sleep and see if the rain would've subsided by the time I get up. Just then a kid from our neighbor's house started singing. Actually he was more of screaming his lungs out than singing, and you couldn't even understand what the hell he was singing. I know, I tried - I was trying to lessen the annoyance by actually being able to digest the noise as a song, instead of some random screaming.
I managed to get back to sleep though, but around 8:30 I was up again. Same kid was crying his lungs out now. I'm this close into thinking that whatever this kid does, he's loud. This time there was a woman with him. She was screaming and hitting the kid. Typical scenario, I figured. But I guess I wasn't exactly right.
The woman - was teaching the kid how to count, 4 and 5 specifically, and quizzing him by asking which one is more. The kid either gets it wrong or doesn't answer at all, which makes the woman hit the kid, which makes the kid cry his heart out (and whatever internal organs left), which, in turn, makes me want to scream right back at them to shut the fuck up. >_> Seriously, I was already looking out my window and pacing myself. I just decided to get out of my room instead.
Honestly. =_=