Apr 25, 2005 15:23
my friend Kelly was looking at a fly on a pile of poop and she just laughed and laughed and laughed. She knew that there was no way that fly could do all that.
she's singing the War Requiem right now.
if you want to hear a cool piece of music, then listen to the piano sonata op.7 by richard strauss. really cool. also the prelude to die meistersinger by wagner is freakin awesome. also the harpsichord solo in brandenberg 4 is really cool. so are all the harpsichord suites by Handel.
i am so done with playing any tuba accompaniments and classes are over for the semetester. the Brahms on friday went really well and i'm glad my friend adam called to wish me luck. I got nothing but 3 finals and 3 juries. my life is awesome.
the only bad thing is that i had to take a history make-up exam today and i don't think i did to well on it. hopefully it will be graded easily. I hate that class. good thing it's over. the professor was old and talks about "the good ol' days" and just rambles off all class period long and often keeps us late to tell us more insignificant stuff that usually consists of his personal opinion of past political figures and will definately not be on the test. well today he was playing music for us and wasating the time of more than 200 students and all 200 of us are wondering why, on the last day of class, this man decides to play us songs that have little to do with the class instead of reviewing the final. so then this boy raises his hand. when he's called upon he says "what does this have to do with the class? why are we not reviewing for the final?"
the class went silent.
the professor paused a moment and then said "who thinks this is interesting- raise your hands." then everybody raised their hands except the boy who asked the question. oh man- i feel like a total sell-out, but i wasn't about to let a whole semester of diplomacy go to waste to make the statement that the class was boring today. well anyway, i don't think that boy got in a whole lot of trouble, but it was an awkward moment.