Feb 28, 2005 01:23
You know my father is one of the hardest working men i know, i admire him so much. he has 3 kids, works hard every day, and risks his life protecting and serving as a cop. He never tells me No, and always gives me everything... but the problem is, he has given me his attitude as well, he loves his women but she doesnt love him ( my mom is just like that, she isnt in to loving me or my father...) atleast thats how i feel. but now more recently my dad is showing his wear, his personality is breaking down , he even cries infront of me, he just wants his wife to love him, and his kids to care... if he died right now.. i'd die too because he is my life.. but now with his breakdown, he is losing it mentally, he hits my sister, not just a spank but a brutal hit, or backhand... and im doing it too,.. she becomes such a little fucking terror and i actually backhanded her across the room... im afraid of what im becoming, i love my father but i dont wanna be him when i grow older... i wanna be a loving husband and caring father.. things are going good for me with magic, and ashley... but im just worried, i wanna be a good man, as my father is and has tried so hard to be, but i wanna be loved and love my family 100% of the time... goodnight my friends ~Devin