Jun 29, 2005 23:02

holy fuck pples if i didnt tell you the story about cameron A. then here we go

Well, last night cameron called me up he was like "Dude i need you to get me two beers " (im gunna narate it) Devin said" Cam dont we all" Camerons Repli was" no dude i found 2 beers i thot they were old so i threw them and therer where two guys and they were pissed and they told me if i dont get there beer back there gunna kick the shit outta me" (Devin being ther dumbass he is sed)" yeah sure dude no problem" so i got him his beers he left. he came to my house at Four A.M and was like" dude im fucked i got cot with my dads car and the beer in it, one call and im goin to YCC and i wsed" what the hell am i supose to do?"

Well tonite when my rent came to pick me up from Tiffs Birthday party i was all happy and what not ya know. so i asked how was your guyses day." good till we got the call." i was think " fuck the grocery cart thing" i asked em what kinda call? " a call about somekids gettin cot with beer you gave em" i was like fuck!!

and so now i get to go to the police station tomaro and talk to Heidi otto. THE YOUTH SERVICES LADY!! she knows me already so yeah to put it shortly IM FUCKED!

im gunna go later bitches
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