Why Cats And Christmas Don't Go Together!!!

Dec 19, 2006 19:55

I used to think that Christmas was the most wonderful time of the year, but now I am seeing the error in my ways. Christmas is just another time for people and cats to be absolutely retarded. I finally got my tree up this weekend and we decorated all nice and wonderful. I put out all the nice decorations and right in the front I put Devin's fancy ornament that says "Babies First Christmas". I was so proud of how the tree turned out and then today happened.
My stupid ass cat decided he wanted to play around the tree tonight and low and behold he knocks the whole god damn thing over. And too make matters worse guess what was the only ornament to break... Yup you guessed it. The babies first christmas. I know I can get another one, but the point is, that ornament represented to me the joys of having my little boy for the first time at Christmas. A time I usually hated finally gave me a reason to smile and be proud of something. Now the symbol is gone. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why the hell do cats have to be so stupid? And why the hell was that the only ornament that broke? I just want to rewind time and make it all better. Unfortunately I have to live with that dumb cat. Maybe next year it will be Devin's turn to break another thing that holds meaning in my heart.
I guess that is why they say..."Don't get attached to material objects. They can be taken away in an instant." Stupid material objects and stupid cats.
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