Jan 13, 2005 02:59
So I woke up yesterday morning and read my email and chatted with Phil for a bit on aim and then went outside my house to shovel the snow...I like shoveling, well I dont know if I like it but I dont mind doing it.Some guy that lives next to me helped me out I thought that was nice ...I dont know if I would do the same though.So anyways after we were done I went inside and took a shower and did not wash my hair which are on plans of things to do tommorow.I also have to go To O.C.C.C and see closer.I love Closer.Moon River is playing I love that song!
Ok,next I went to work, that was fine.I had to bow and steam wrap alot of valentines day stuff.
After work I went to home and watched an episode of the Gilmore Girls!!!Jivka Is leaving for italy today so me, her, Phyllis,and Toto went to Tony Boffas.I guess that was allright I didnt really care for the sauce but whatever, it was Jivka choice of resturaunt.We then went to Jivka house to watch a movie and look through the E.Z.4.U book that was funny or not.