Friday night I went for a showing of Bable at the ByTowne theater, an old-school 500-seat movie theater where they still sell popcorn made with real butter (that's right, it does not come out of a pump!). I enjoyed the movie for its almost simplistic, but powerful scenes and for all that deep stuff. It also resulted in that warm and fuzzy feeling of wanderlust I get on a semi-annual basis. It doesn't help that I've been gobling up entries from
lincolnbitsand my good friend Stephzilla-san who are both working/living in Japan (by god I am going to visit her this summer, and I'll teach and tutor until I can't take it any longer to get the funds!).
The movie was followed by shawarma and phylosophical gymnastics: after our group of friends thinned out to just three people we put our heads together and discussed the theological holy grail: science vs. religion. It was such fun brainstorming with Greg (whom we'd bought
untypical-leoat the first annual XY Auction)! He brought up the University of Ottawa's motto, which translates to God is the Lord of Knowledge, while I argued that science require just as much devotion and belief as religion, therefore it must be a religion itself...
Haha, get it? (I know, I'm an idiot!)
I miss being with non-scientists! That was definitely a nice breath of fresh air :-)