Duo's earliest memories are of living on the streets with a gang of other orphans like himself. Duo never knew his parents, and, if he knew his real name, he'd stopped using it long ago. When he was about six years old, a plague tore through the colony, killing thousands. The hospitals were only giving the vaccine to those who could afford it. With the homeless and street dwellers getting sick and dying, the little gang of street rats knew they needed to do something. Duo snuck into a hospital and managed to get his hands on the vaccine. He brought them back, but was one dose short to give them to everyone. He gave them out, not taking one for himself. He didn't get sick, however, surviving the plague. The leader of the gang, Solo, wasn't so lucky. He died, leaving Duo in charge.
Duo led the group from then on, taking care of the other kids and making sure they were fed and had shelter. After nearly getting caught by Alliance troups when breaking into the supply depot, the gang was taken to a Church where they were cared for and adopted out to willing families. Duo proved to be troublesome and kept getting sent back. The priest and nun, Father Maxwell and Sister Helen, cared for him themselves instead by sending him to school and showing him how loving a family situation could be. He was there almost a year when a rebellion broke out on the colony. The rebels took over the church, demanding care for their injured. When Father Maxwell tried to preach pacifism and peace to them, they struck him down. Duo panicked, seeing his father figure treated that way, and ran away. He had overheard them planning and knew they needed a mobile suit. He managed to steal one from the Alliance base, but came back to a destroyed church. Everyone inside had been killed.
After that, Duo drifted. He eventually stowed away on a Sweepers ship and left the colony. He lived in hiding in their supply bay, eating what he wanted. It took them almost a week to find him, and, when they did, the scientist the salvage crew was harboring was impressed that Duo had broken through their security system and eluded them for so long. He decided to let the kid stay, and this began Duo's life as a Gundam pilot.
Several days before the launch of the Gundam the scientist was building, Duo came across orders from their sponsor disclosing the plans and purpose of Operation Meteor. Deciding this wasn't something he wanted in on, Duo attempted to destroy Deathscythe, but was thwarted by Professor G. The scientist had seen the orders as well, and knew the young teenager wouldn't agree with the plan. He told Duo to 'steal' Deathscythe anyway, and carry out their revenge against OZ in his own way on Earth. Duo agreed, and he dropped to Earth with four other Gundams he didn't know about.
His first interactions with the other pilots were shakey. None of them knew each other. But, after studying each other's machines and working out their plans and differences, they all realized they were on the same side. Eventually, they gathered together as a single force, fighting against world oppression in one large battle at the end of a year long war. When the battle cleared, Duo found himself drifting again, not sure what to do or where to go.
He spent the time traveling, doing deliveries and helping out with the Sweepers group that had shown him so much and given him Deathscythe to begin with. After several attempts on his life, as well as those of the other Gundam pilots and a few of their friends, he and Quatre took the Gundams and loaded them on an old resource satellite that was scheduled for demolition. Sending it with four of the five Gundams towards the sun, they thought they had said goodbye to fighting and war forever.
However, that wasn't the case. A young girl claiming to be the daughter of Treize Khushrenada appeared and declared war on the Earth Sphere. She and her grandfather, the original archetect of Operation Meteor, threatened to drop a colony on the Earth if they didn't surrender to her wishes. Helping his friend Heero, Duo broke into the colony and managed to stop the drop along with another of their pilot allies, Trowa. He then went to Earth once Quatre returned with the Gundams and fought against Mariemeia's army, stopping them from their takeover of the Earth Sphere. It was after that when they decided to end it for good. With Quatre and Trowa, Duo destroyed his Gundam, feeling a release of it's burden, and went back to the life of a salvage mechanic.
As with all things, peace is a work in progress. Duo received word from Sally Po that a group calling themselves Epyon de Telos had taken the Sanc Kingdom Palace hostage with several key people inside. He joined up with her and the other four former Gundam pilots and, together, they worked out a plan to rescue them and initiated it. Only, Duo suddenly finds himself in a horse drawn wagon...