(no subject)

Sep 07, 2006 20:55

I'd Rather Not. I Don't Care. I'm Doing This My Way And I Don't Care If I Fuck It Up Along The Way. You'll Get Over It.

That might make a good song. Ha. Katie's View on life at the moment.

Tomorrow's going to be odd. The only people knowable that are going to camden are Joe, Danni and Charley. I know some other people up there though but it's still going to be rather different. No Ben to conastantly hang around with, going to have to socialise. I talked to Ish alot down there so he'll be alright to talk to. AND he's hot as fuck.

I've finally got £10. Lol I've been in debt to my mum for WEEKS until now yay.

Fulvios getting an answer from the girl Anna he asked out today. I don't like it. Meh. He said he was going to ask me out on Sunday, however he won't cause i'm with Ben.

Gah, they always change their mind after a week or 2 of not being with me.. and it's always when I've just gotten into a Norm of things without them. Ahh. 
He's posting me duck earrings he bought me. They're purple devil duck ones. They're AMAZING!

We had Mr Casco covering our english lesson today and he tried to set us imaginary homework. I just turned to becki and we both said at the same time "I'd rather not". ha brilliant. Im not going it.

Anyway.. Someone tell me the details for Sunday. You know who you are and what I mean. If you don't and you're being a nosy sod, fuck off XD
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