I'll be honest with you: I've never seen the original V. Not a single incarnation of it. For starters, I was too young when it premiered, and even if I hadn't been, I doubt my grandparents would've wanted me watching it. ;) Be that as it may, even now that I'm old enough to know what the show is and what it means for the SF genre, I've never had a single inkling to watch it. I've got a . . . let's say phobia . . . of watching old tv shows and old movies, but that's an entirely different post. So what am I here to talk about?
You might ask, "But why?"
Well, for starters, I harbor a secret glee when the stuff from the good old days gets remade (most of the time. This, too, is a separate post). I love watching the horrified reactions of people when their favorite stuff gets updated for current audiences. Why? Because right now, I'm that current audience. I want to see how today's society, today's fears, can transform a television show (or movie). It gives me a chance to enjoy the original without suffering through the dated look of the original. So yeah, when remakes happen, I tend to be thrilled, especially if it's bright and shiny-looking like the trailers for V are promising the show will be.
Also? Elizabeth Mitchell (aka Juliet on Lost) is starring in this beast. Can I just say HOW MUCH I love Elizabeth Mitchell? More so since I saw an interview of her today on EW.com and she was completely adorkable (click
here and scroll down). I want this show to succeed. I want it to be awesome. For her, so I can keep seeing her on my television screen, and because it's an overt SF show, and I'm always game for them to blow the ratings out of the water. Also, I'm excited to see Morena Baccarin (aka Inara on Firefly) in the show as well (I think she's perfectly cast for the character of Anna).
Don't get me wrong: this might COMPLETELY suck. I'm well aware of that. But I'm glad I won't be comparing it to the original. I'll be judging it on its own merit, and trust me when I say, I hope it's awesome.
Speaking of awesome, the promos ABC has been airing for the show featuring Muse's "Uprising?" BEST SONG CHOICE EVER. They did an extended promo (they're calling it a music video, but really, it's an extended promo), which you can view
Anyway, I'm to excited to sit still. Anyone else?
Station: ABC
Time: Tuesdays @ 8:00 pm est (they're airing a four-episode mini-series in November, and then the show will come back after the Olympics next spring)
Status: Season One
Where to Start? No time like the present! V premieres tonight!