To Do List

Oct 23, 2009 17:32

And I thought last weekend was full. This is getting ridiculous!

1) Write the review for Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, but do not post it.
2) Create & post poll for November Book Challenge @ calico_reaction.
3) Post thoughts on FlashForward @ devilwrites.
4) Crits for digitalclone and Dave.
5) odysseyworkshop stuff, including but not limited to, updating procedures, posting pubs/sales, and creating its own very special photo album.
6) Order my birthday present.
7) Update checking account.
8) Visit my grandmother and mom for some birthday chili on Sunday.
9) Possibly finish reading Steven R. Boyett's Elegy Beach.
10) Post the latest "Book Bag" @ calico_reaction.

I think that's enough. There's laundry too, which I should do Saturday instead of Sunday, but who knows what this weekend will bring.

That's my weekend, as of now. Tell me yours is more interesting!

to-do list

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