3rd Candelabram - Action

Dec 03, 2011 04:07

[Action 1]

[It's a beautiful Saturday morning, isn't it? And, being a Saturday, it is perhaps surprising to find an elementary school student on school grounds, having apparently acquired a pail of paint and brush. The boy has taken it upon himself, as his duty in fact, to add some color to the school on this day off ( Read more... )

what is this, painting is bitching, !mayfield, !ic

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2. custodismundi December 3 2011, 19:25:01 UTC
[lalala, this guy is heading down the street on the way to the church; he thought he might pop his head in and check on Sister Ciel after last week, and...

...aha. he recognizes that voice, his footsteps stalling a bit from his vantage point across the street -- eyes curious where they fall on Lucifer during this exchange. when the boys walk away, Abel lingers, looking slightly perplexed as he nudges his glasses a bit higher on his nose. hm... that was-- well, strange, to say the least...

oops is he staring dumbly he does this sometimes]


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 19:28:21 UTC
[Lucifer watches the drone boys walk off for a moment before turning around and spotting Abel. He doesn't stop, or pause, but simply nods to the man, wondering how much he heard and saw.]

Hello. It would appear we meet again.


custodismundi December 3 2011, 19:39:54 UTC
[--oh, spotted! he gives a sheepish little smile and waves a bit... before starting to meander in his direction. (look, he even checked traffic before crossing he is the smartest).]

Under better circumstances this time, too! It looks like we're in luck...!


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 19:45:48 UTC
[A smile spreads across Lucifer's lips.]

Indeed, sir. It's good to see you're in better health, as well.


custodismundi December 3 2011, 19:50:25 UTC
[once he reaches Lucifer's side, he'll offer his hand amiably.]

I think we're all looking in much better health... and spirits, eh?

I never thought I'd see the day I'd say I missed Mayfield like this, but... well, the alternatives are a little scary for my tastes!


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 19:59:23 UTC
[Lucifer will take the hand and shake it.]

It's quite a clever bit of manipulation, to force us into such a terrible situation and then bring us back asking us to be thankful.

Clever. But not too much so.


custodismundi December 3 2011, 20:11:14 UTC
'Clever' isn't exactly the first word that comes to mind when thinking on our 'generous benefactors' most recent little... ah, holiday celebration.

[can you tell he's so fond of Mayfield, can you, Lucifer

but he'll give a gentle handshake before letting his hand go.]


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 20:13:30 UTC
It depends on how you look at it. As a work of manipulation, it's quite clever.

I wonder, however, just how far this blow was? Was this perhaps their ace? Have they spent it already?


custodismundi December 3 2011, 20:21:03 UTC
[these are words he'd expect from someone much older than this boy -- but he knows that appearances can be quite deceiving... particularly in Mayfield. he rubs his chin thoughtfully...]

I'd like to think that this demonstration was... impulsive. That they won't try something so drastic again, and that's as bad as it could get, but...

[truthfully, he doesn't take much stock in those sentiments. the mind, when twisted, can be quite inventive when it came to cruelties without a conscience to speak of.]


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 20:27:33 UTC
If it was impulsive, it could be a good sign for us. That we might have arrived at a time where their grasp is slipping.

[He pauses for a moment, before continuing.]

I apologize for the discomfort I might have caused you and Cain back when we first met. I'm afraid he and I had a disagreement.

[He doesn't really apologize or care, but he knows it's the socially polite thing to do around humans.]


custodismundi December 3 2011, 20:38:25 UTC
[Abel wants to see the best in people, and so he believes it willingly, his eyes softening a bit.]

No, no... it's-- alright. You don't need to apologize...

He was worked up, and I can only guess that you were, too. That wasn't a very pleasant experience for anyone.

We'll pretend it didn't happen and start over, eh? I'm going to put the whole thing from my mind!


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 20:57:28 UTC
I do not take well to accusations, I'm afraid.

[Nor ignorance, but he keeps that statement underneath. And not taking well to accusations? Is quite true. He's not very fond of the picture God and His followers paint of him.]

That's quite kind. You forgive and forget easily, then?


custodismundi December 3 2011, 21:02:29 UTC
[God and His followers, hm... oh, this will go well.

he nudges at those glasses again, waving dismissively with the other hand. he doesn't want to get into the accusations his brother made... it makes his heart ache in remembrance of all the terrible pain that had been pushed onto everyone's shoulders -- and his brother's in particular. ;(]

'Turn the other cheek' and all that. You didn't do me any wrong, Mr. Louis, so don't think anything of it! It was a bad time, and tensions were high. People do much worse than get into a little argument at times like that, so it's not worth holding any ill will about at all.


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 21:38:23 UTC
[Lucifer could never abide by turn the other cheek. If he should be slapped on one cheek, he felt it only fair he should slap the offender on both. Still, he nods and smiles a little bit.]

You're very level-headed. That's a good trait to have.

[Most of the time. There's been moments where Lucifer has believed there's such a thing as being too much so.]

Does he often behave as he did, though?


custodismundi December 3 2011, 21:44:04 UTC
[you've called level-headed AND wise... oh, Lucifer, you're quickly becoming his new favorite person. now it's only a matter of time before he ruins both of those descriptors in relation to his person.]

A-ahh, not at all, actually! It's very out of character for Cain to get hostile in any way at all...

You're not likely to see him like that again. It really... wasn't a good point in time, that's... that's all. I think you two would actually get along rather well, under better circumstances.


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 21:49:03 UTC
[Lucifer wonders if Cain really isn't like that, or if Cain is simply good enough at masking who he is that it's hard for Abel to tell.]

Perhaps we would.

What is your relationship with him? I'm afraid that hasn't been clarified for me.


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