3rd Candelabram - Action

Dec 03, 2011 04:07

[Action 1]

[It's a beautiful Saturday morning, isn't it? And, being a Saturday, it is perhaps surprising to find an elementary school student on school grounds, having apparently acquired a pail of paint and brush. The boy has taken it upon himself, as his duty in fact, to add some color to the school on this day off ( Read more... )

what is this, painting is bitching, !mayfield, !ic

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1 kinships December 3 2011, 18:53:34 UTC
[He had just been passing by, but the figure painting the fence was unmistakable...

Cain had never lost his temper with anyone like that before, let alone been so rude or needlessly vicious. Somewhere, deep inside, he felt a sense of that rage and blame still simmering under the surface.

But he couldn't allow it to sully his name here, he couldn't allow himself grudges or arguments, and so there was a small rueful smile on his lips as he stepped a bit closer.]



devilwithananny December 3 2011, 19:15:23 UTC
[Lucifer turns to the voice, tilting his head. It would be a lie to say he wasn't annoyed with Cain's accusations, let alone what Lucifer perceived to be ignorance on his part, but he wouldn't let that show at the moment.]

Yes, Cain?


kinships December 3 2011, 19:18:00 UTC
[They can be secretly annoyed with each other, such a winning combination...]

I wanted to apologise for what I said before.


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 19:21:00 UTC
[Lucifer just remains silent for a moment, a smile playing across his lips.]

Do you really?


kinships December 3 2011, 19:24:58 UTC
[No. There was still a part of him that wanted to claw the other boy's eyes out for his prior provocative words. Even if he knew, logically, that it probably had no effect at all on what had happened.]

I do.

I was out of line. I shouldn't have accused you of untrue things, and my rudeness was inexcusable.


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 19:27:32 UTC
[Lucifer taps a finger against the side of the building, thinking.]

You apologize and concede your actions were wrong.

Yet doing that...do you truly regret it?


kinships December 3 2011, 19:32:32 UTC
[The only thing he regretted, was losing control enough to let people see inside to his raw and private pain. But that wouldn't happen again, and his apologetic expression is perfect as he nods at once.]

Of course I do.

I'm disgusted at my own behaviour, and have no excuses for it. I only hope you can forgive me and we can start again, perhaps on a better note.


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 19:38:05 UTC
[Lucifer gives a small, knowing smile before he says anything. He may not be able to read your mind, Cain, but he expects he can guess what you're actually thinking.]

As you wish then. I forgive you.

[Not really. Lucifer will always remember that accusation, that foolishness he thought he saw exhibited, and lying is simply second nature to him.]


kinships December 3 2011, 19:41:29 UTC
[He doesn't really care what Lucifer thinks of him on the inside; as long as they are cordial and friendly outwardly, that suits his purposes well enough.]

Oh... thank you so much! Right... let's start again, then. I'm Cain Knightlord, it's nice to meet you.

[He grins widely, enthusiastically, and holds a hand out to shake.]


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 19:45:05 UTC
[He's amused. What an interesting little dance you're willing to weave. He had taken interest in Cain if just for the fact that he at least appears to be another child with mannerisms quite older than his age. But to be able to repress and hide his own emotions that well for the act of cordiality? really was impressive.

Lucifer will take the hand and shake it.]

And I am Louis Cypher. A pleasure, I'm sure.


kinships December 3 2011, 19:50:03 UTC
[There is no sign at all that he feels anything other than what he is outwardly displaying, his smile warm and his handshake friendly.]

The pleasure is all mine, really. Do you want any help, perhaps? I'm not the most artistic, but painting with a new friend sounds a good way to spend the morning.


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 20:00:18 UTC
I think being artistic is not necessary, as long as you express what you wish. That is true art.

[He holds the brush out to Cain, waiting.]

Would you like to see what you might express?


kinships December 3 2011, 20:08:11 UTC
[He takes a brush and looks for a moment at the words already written there from Lucifer, before starting painting himself. His own handwriting is neat, even in paint.

He had not had much education in the arts, and so if the poem had not been a political one then he wouldn't have known it. But his education in politics had been thorough and complete, everything from war dates to propaganda and how to understand it all. It was his duty, after all, to become a great strategic mind and for that, he had to understand the minds and views of the various nations he hoped to lead men from.

Louis has already written the last verse of the poem out, so Cain contents himself with the epigraph from the cover.]

"Hope is strong; Justice and Truth their winged child have found."


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 20:12:28 UTC
[Lucifer watches, patiently, as Cain adds his own addition, and smiles as he sees the other boy recognizes the poem. He wonders briefly if Cain really is a child, or something else, though at this point it's impossible for him to know exactly what he might be for sure.]

A nice touch, and a statement I heavily agree with.


kinships December 3 2011, 20:15:46 UTC
[He only recognises it because of its political significance, and it had stuck in his mind as ringing true with his own pacifistic ideals.]

Me too... Violence never helps anyone, even when used with the best intentions.


devilwithananny December 3 2011, 20:19:10 UTC
And yet...are there not times where justice might necessitate violence?


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