Dec 10, 2005 10:54
Last night was the scariest night i have had. It beat Tuesday nights neurological attack on me. this time i seriously thought i was dying. and i am not using that lightly. I fumbled for my mobile phone fighting unconsiousness. My heart kept speeding up, then slowing right down to a near stop, causing a seizure of pins and needles to attack me, i lost my motor functions, i was downstairs crying for Charles to wake up and help me, my words were mincing up and it was so hard to cry out his name, the C and the S w3ere pretty much D's.
I thought this was it, and i mean this was it. my entire body had cramped, my hands and feet felt like they were closing around me, painfully.. i was feeling like i was about to implode from my chest. my face cramped up and let me tell you. i thought i was a goner.. i had to pick myself up off the floor.
I had duromine before i went to work, and one when i got home from work that afternoon, and then i had a few bongs. and thats where the trouble started. I actually had my hand cupped to where my heart was and i could feel the beat getting faster and faster, then without warning, it would slow down and i felt it "power down" so to speak, thats when i knew it was time to call 000 at about 2am in the morning, because during its "powerdown" as i like to call it, my entire body would go into shock and i would clutch my chest.
I couldnt pick up my phone both my hands had curled outwards in a cramp and my fingers were almost like they were not there. i tried to pick up a cup of water and the lounge ended up wearing it, and i dropped the phone while on call to 000 because the pain was getting worse, and i just couldnt pick it up. i was calling out not to hang up i have to find my phone, and they had a hard time understanding me as i pretty much had the vocabulory of a special bus kid. letters were mis pronounced and all.
The ambulance finally came, and i had already dragged myself out onto the driveway, and waited, fighting my heart slowing down.. the pins and needles and cramps were phenominal.. the ambulance driver thought that i may have been a little over reactioned until he placed heart monitoring clips, then he told the driver to drive to the royal melbourne, and to use the tram lines to avoid all traffic lights there, they were over the ambulance waves requesing an immediate response from the hospital to be prepared with their heart monitors and stuff. while i was near on convulsing in the hospital bed i reckon i had a good 6 nurses surrounding me and although i was in lots of pain, i tried to remain calm and happy.. but each time my heart did that thing, i freaked out and started hyperventilating.
and as he said that, my heart did its shutdown feeling, and i was doubling over in pain..
I had a heartbeat of 190ish (no joke) in the ambulance. and 170 in the hospital i think it was. My heart was still palputating. they had to give me some relaxant, which was such relief! no choice but to relax my muscles and slow down my breathing and even better that my body was not cramping and my heart stopped ripping my chest apart. i was afraid that my heart would stop all together, but i welcomed the lightness and the calmness.
I am not allowed to do anything strenious for a few days, i am not allowed to do too much walking or anything that would aggrivate another palputation thing.
I know that i rant about it, but if you seen me last night, and felt you lose entire control of your body to pain and muscle contractions to almost every muscle on your body, ears included all beyond belief, you'd of thought i was a goner too.