Dec 04, 2004 14:50
I want it to be known
That I am not nor have I ever been
A pure person
Oh, I've tried to be
And have failed time and again
I used to feel sad that I couldn't do it
Stay pure
But now I am resigned to the fact
That I will remain a sinner
I used to strive to be sinless
And actually I don't seek it out
Sin that is
But it seems to follow me about
Of course one man's sin
Would probably be anothers' delight
So it would have to say
Since I no longer see sin in the same light
That I am not really all that bad after all
Sinner I am, and always will be
As all of us are
Yet.... I know it and can admit it
That is the difference from a real sinner
And one that is a sinner yet is lost
In denial
Lofty ideals and constant recriminations
No longer touch me nor come from me
I've given up that attitude
Now I am simply
A normal person
A sinner yes
But still just me