Nov 17, 2006 23:16
Nobody loves me
Nobody cares
why does my life have to suck? well, the life doesn't suck so's more the people i know. some are just a bunch of assholes, others just don't understand all the stress and frustration i go thru everyday. so here's an explanation of who i think i am...for those who care anyway.
i'm quiet for a reason, i act like i do cuz that's just me. i try to fit in, it usually fails. i had a 5 year relationship end quite abruptly, it has left me feeling lost and confused. unaware of what to do with my life, of how to go forward. i thought we were meant to be, apparently i thought wrong. i'm a dreamer, i have weird daydreams that usually involve some guy i saw previously. i'm highly aware of my surroundings, i hear things other people don't. i have this weird, almost freakish sense of balance...but it's only in body, not in spirit. i can be graceful, but i haven't found a use for it. i know random bits of information that everyone finds odd whenever one of them jumps out of my mouth. i'm actually really smart, just not highly motivated. i see all these skinny, fit and muscular girls all around me and i always wish i was one of them. i wanna be able to wear a midriff bearing shirt and not look like an idiot. or be able to find jeans that actually fit my odd shape(thank you, genetics). i'm very affectionate, if i can just cuddle with one of my guy friends while talking in a group of other friends or even while just talking to that guy friend, i'd be a happy clam. i complain, i bitch and moan, i'm a girl. but i don't wear makeup, i hate shopping, being around a bunch of gossiping giggling girls is not my idea of a fun time. i'm a lover, not a fighter. my bark is bigger than my bite. i've never been in a real fight, but i do know how to defend myself.
i have been told my work is good, i'm progressing at the rate i should be. but i heard in that voice 'but you could be progressing at a higher level'. i try to exceed expectations but i fail mostly. i was told not to submit myself to the 'stupid group'. and i won't. i am a conformist, true, but there are things i refuse to do in order to fit in. i don't smoke, i rarely drink, i don't party or anything 'fun' like that. i am responsible, loyal and able. i have a job, i learn fast. there are things in life that i can't wrap my brain around no matter how hard i try. i have to be told things in plain english or otherwise i'm confused and have to ask questions to simplify it.
so that's mostly me in a nutshell. it's not glamorous or cool or anything close. but it's who i am. for real. and if you can't handle that, then i'm sorry but it's not my problem anymore.